Category: Webservers

Enabling IPv6 Support in nginx

So, today I decided to make LowEndGuide IPv6 enabled and spent most of my morning troubleshooting why my vps didn’t show my IPv6 addresses. Well, that’s not what this post is about. Now I will show you how to enable…

Introduction to Minstall

One of my favourite quickstart scripts is Minstall, a helpful script to use on your freshly installed VPS. With Minstall you can remove unnecessary services and install commonly used services, it will let you start with a low-mem using VPS. The readme…

WordPress permalinks with nginx

WordPress generally works out-of-the box on nginx. The posts load fine all the functions in the dashboard works pretty well. That is, until you come to the permalinks. If you are using WordPress on Apache (with mod_rewrite), WordPress will automatically…