/* The serverinfo{} block defines how we appear on the IRC network. */ serverinfo { /* name * The server name that this program uses on the IRC network. * This is the name you'll have to use in C:/N:Lines. It must be * unique on the IRC network and contain at least one dot, but does * not have to be equal to any DNS name. */ name = "services.myircnetwork"; /* desc * The ``server comment'' we send to the IRC network. * If you want server hiding, prefix your desc with "(H)" */ desc = "MyIRCNetwork IRC Services"; /* numeric * Some protocol drivers (Charybdis, Ratbox2, Hybrid, P10, IRCNet) * require a server id, also known as a numeric. Please consult your * ircd's documentation when providing this value. * Format for Charybdis: 1 number, 2 letters. */ numeric = "2UJ"; /* (*)recontime * The number of seconds before we reconnect to the uplink. */ recontime = 10; /* (*)netname * The name of your network. */ netname = "MyIRCNetwork"; /* (*)hidehostsuffix * P10 +x host hiding gives <account>.<hidehostsuffix>. * If using +x on asuka/bircd/undernet, this must agree * with F:HIDDEN_HOST. */ hidehostsuffix = "users.myircnetwork"; /* (*)adminname * The name of the person running this service. */ adminname = "admin"; /* (*)adminemail * The email address of the person running this service. */ adminemail = "admin@myircnetwork.com"; /* (*)mta * The full path to your mail transfer agent. * This is used for email authorization and password retrieval. * Comment this out to disable sending email. * Warning: sending email can disclose the IP of your services * unless you take precautions (not discussed here further). * IMPORTANT: Disable this if you have not configured a mail server. */ #mta = "/usr/sbin/sendmail"; #registeremail = "ircnetworkemail@myircnetwork.com"; /* (*)loglevel * Specify the default categories of logging information to record * in the master Atheme logfile, usually var/atheme.log. * * Options include: * debug, all - meta-keyword for all possible categories * trace - meta-keyword for a little bit of info * misc - like trace, but with some more miscillaneous info * notice - meta-keyword for notice-like information * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * error - critical errors * info - miscillaneous log notices * verbose - A bit more verbose than info, not quite as spammy as debug * commands - all command use * admin - administrative command use * register - account and channel registrations * set - changes of account or channel settings * request - user requests (currently only vhosts) * network - log notices related to network status * rawdata - log raw data sent and received by services * wallops - <not yet used> */ loglevel = { error; info; admin; network; wallops; }; /* (*)maxlogins * What is the maximum number of sessions allowed to login to one * username? This reduces potential abuse. It is only checked on login. */ maxlogins = 5; /* (*)maxusers * What are the maximum usernames that one email address can register? * Set to 0 to disable this check (it can be slow currently). */ maxusers = 5; /* (*)maxnicks * If GROUP is loaded, what are the maximum nicknames that one * username can register? */ maxnicks = 20; /* (*)maxchans * What are the maximum channels that one username can register? */ maxchans = 50; /* (*)mdlimit * How many metadata entries can be added to an object? */ mdlimit = 30; /* (*)emaillimit, emailtime * The maximum number of emails allowed to be sent in * that amount of time (seconds). If this is exceeded, * wallops will be sent, at most one per minute. */ emaillimit = 10; emailtime = 300; /* (*)auth * What type of username registration authorization do you want? * If "email", Atheme will send a confirmation email to the address to * ensure it's valid. If registration is not completed within one day, * the username will expire. If "none", no message will be sent and * the username will be fully registered. * Valid values are: email, none. */ auth = none; /* casemapping * Specify the casemapping to use. Almost all TSora (and any that follow * the RFC correctly) ircds will use rfc1459 casemapping. Bahamut, Unreal, * and other ``Dalnet'' ircds will use ascii casemapping. * Valid values are: rfc1459, ascii. */ casemapping = ascii; };